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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

No News Is Not Good News - But Good News Is

Last Friday my GP helped run down appointments for me and ease my mind a bit with the technical info from my tests thus far.

It is amazing how some simple 'good' news (or at least not horrible news) can help someone to feel more rested and assured in their heart along with increasing hopefulness.
Information is the key. As with every realm of society, education, information and analysis help lead one down the pathway to enlightened and informed decision making.

My Gleason Score was actually better than I thought that it would be, or dreaded that it might be. My MRI & Body Scan tests are in the works, and I've slept in the middle of our bed where it is nice and firm and my back is so much better. 2 compressed discs, 1 herniated, calcium deposits up the spine and arthritis cause a bit of discomfort at times.

Oh, the picture of Jackie Gleason is just for fun. I played his character, Ralph Kramden -The Honeymooners, once in a Valentine's Day dinner theater.