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Sunday, November 14, 2021

Have a Happy

Christmas &
New Year!

Another year has all but passed and my PSA level remains steady.

I have had swollen neck lymph nodes this year, but nothing alarming was detected by scan or blood tests.


My 19-year-old knee injury raised its angry head, but I have managed to take things more carefully now with regards to using it on walks, stairs, and sleeping positions, so the pain has diminished.

The goals one sets with age comparisons prove far different than those from the days of youth long past. Now, with seven younger cousins deceased, including one twice removed... I keep a record:


Checklist for Longevity                                           Date Achieved


Outliving my maternal great-grandfather…age -33        15 March 1987

Outliving an uncle…                                   age -64        13 March 2019

Outliving one’s mother…                            age 67          24 May 2021

Outliving my maternal grandfather…         age 67.5       24 Oct. 2021

Outliving your father…                               age 70.5

Outliving your paternal grandmother…      age 72

Outliving your paternal grandfather…        age 78

Outliving your maternal grandmother…     age 83



And on and on and on - at least one hopes.

I continue to read, write, and take our little dog on her daily walks.


So, teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

Psalm 90:12




    by Millie Ralston

"The story of a man whose life changes on discovery of a balloon attached to his waist. A short film to raise awareness of cancer."

A touching short film created by a young woman who lost her father to cancer.

- Click  HERE to view.