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Monday, April 22, 2013

The Slow Return of Energy!

Since November 15, 2012 I have been renovating our home that we will move in to during May 2013.

At first my energy levels were very low and pushing myself to work long hours was very difficult. As the months passed I felt my energy levels slowly rise. At nearly five months after my last injection of testosterone blocker I am still experiencing fatigue, but nothing like what I experienced during radiation treatments coupled with the shots.

I returned to my job today and started my carrot. celery, cherry tomato, etc. lunch plan for as long as I can stand it - to get rid of some of the extra baggage I was warned I would accumulate during treatments and was so privileged to have received, ha, ha. I was told the norm is between 10 - 15 kilos conservatively - and maybe 25+. I stopped stepping onto the scale that day (January 2012) and will wait until my old work pants fit again before I return to that dreaded kilo measuring device.

The loss of testosterone precludes the body's normal fat/calorie burning mechanism and the pounds/kilos roll on...

I've been laying carpet lately and these pics reveal the bedroom that used to have old linoleum, wall-paper and nicotine beige colors (as partially visible on the door in the top pic).

The whole house was dripping with nicotine stains from the smoker who rarely, if ever. left the home, but smoked nonstop. Oil base paint was a must for the first coat, followed by 2-4 coats of the finish color. The plus side - always look for a plus side - is that I'm sure most insects won't tolerate a smoke entrenched environment, so... no bugs in the woodwork.

I went from 2.5 - 3.5 hours a day working time in November to 6-7 (or more) by mid April. Hoping I recoup everything over the next few months. I was told things should begin to start getting back to normal after 3-4 months, that was in January. I was also told all looks well and the doctor would see me again January 2014.

Until next time...