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Saturday, December 19, 2020


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

2020 2021


Another year has passed by quickly. PSA: 0.12

As far as I know, no DVT… and being careful has diminished the recurrences of diverticulosis (or diverticuli-tis), from the potentially harmful effects from PC radiation treatments.

I do still visit my little porcelain friend 2-5 times per night. He's been looking a little "flushed" over the past 9+ years, but, I'm sure, my little friend will survive. Only 2 "liquid-ations" in a row are necessary now, and then back to sleep for 2-3 hours until I see my little friend again.

I spent this entire year writing. After a 4-year read-only era, due to Social Security law changes from 2015 related to retired-early expats, I was blessed with joining a literacy team – NTM-PNG.

I write stories to enhance and increase the reading comprehension abilities for rural tribal peoples throughout Papua New Guinea. King Henry VIII, King Edward VI, Louis Braille, Guide Dog History, and a ‘Space’ related work were on the menu for 2020; all non-fiction and all voluntary. We have authors, illustrators, and editors on our team. This keeps me very busy with research, reading, writing, and personal editing.

And… of course… wonderful and relaxing dog walks all over our town, forests, and beaches. The photo features my dog, Muffin, and myself with an insert of me in the late 50’s with my dog, Nicky, at Christmastime.

Have a great 2021!