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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Dreams and Nightmares

I saw a dream and it made me fearful; and these fantasies as I lay on my bed and the visions in my mind kept alarming me.   Daniel 4:5

How about you …

Good dreams, bad dreams you know you’ve had your share, when they come in the midst of a lone dark night they still don’t seem to scare.

Last night’s dream, I was on my way, or so I thought, to a prison cell and had planned to read a little book that was in the passenger side of my pickup (haven’t had a pickup in eons), but I was taken to another place instead.
I was distressed a bit over not being able to read that little book once ‘someone’ informed me I had two hours to live (until execution) as my late mother sat in a chair in the dimly lit corner.

What did I decide to do for my last two hours, you ask?  I started to organize my key chain and rid it of unnecessary items so that my wife would not be confused with it all when I was no longer around.
Yes, we all procrastinate on readying our affairs when we really should not, whether we are as healthy as a horse or as dreadfully sick as a politician is.

Another dream a short time ago entailed the turning over of some very nice dirt in the flower area of my grave near the tombstone – of course, ‘I do this’ for my 7-8 ,month summer season job – add fertilizer to dirt, plant flowers and rid the weeds on graves. I have anxiously awaited getting back to this job and its peacefulness.

Years ago, before I had surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff and re-attach a tendon to the head of my humerus (my biceps tendon was also broken, but those shrivel up fast and disappear and are, therefore, not usually repairable) the HMO I had my coverage through, Kaiser Permanente Northern California, did not perform any empirical examinations, they only gave me varying kinds of pills.
ANYWAY … those medications frequently resulted in wild and crazy dreams/nightmares. I actually began looking forward to seeing my next ‘free’ scary movie. No $7.00 - $10.00 a pop for those films … and … they are usually always unpredictable in plot!

I do enjoy those flying dreams, I must say. They usually entail more of a giant, floating-style leap that is based upon my focused will. I start descending when my focus diminishes. I have only had a couple of those Superman type flying dreams in my life, maybe only one.

When I was a little boy in 1st or 2nd grade, I had a recurring dream three times. I was being grabbed by my legs and pulled out of my bedroom window. In each dream I went further out the window until, finally, I was holding on to the side frame with my fingers. It may have resulted from someone attempting entry to my bedroom window when I was younger. I ran out of the room as the curtains were being drawn back, bumping my leg on my grandmother’s beige hope-chest.

Killing large black snakes and chasing out of the yard those barking, growling black dogs is also quite a satisfying thrill of a dream.

How about you? Dreams? Nightmares?

What about a collection of these fanciful tales of terror from the night being collected into an easy to read book for publication?

Any ideas?