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Sunday, November 16, 2014

DVT Update

Well, thought it was high time for an update...

My DVT treatment is well underway and an amazing experience thus far.


7-10 days the pain in my right leg subsided and my leg shrunk back to a more normal size.

2nd week: back pain much less.

3rd week: to the day, sleep was amazing better with 2.5 hour lengths between get-up-and-pee times instead of 1 to 1.25 hours each time. So far, this has continued!

AND... back pain subsided enough to be able to turn on my sides without the usual horrible pain afterward - and no leg cramps either.

ALSO... energy levels seem up a bit.

Let's hope this continues. Oh, my back MRI showed just regular deterioration and no need for surgery.

Earlier I had 2 compressed disks, 1 herniated, calcium deposits up the spine and arthritis developing in the lower portion of my back.

Back to writing I go... until next time!
