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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Drain the Lizard

I believe that the full effect of my first Zoladex injection back in February is taking its hold. I have read that it is generally 6-8 weeks after the first stomach-plunging needle experience that this is the case.

I experience nights of restless, bathroom-visiting, interrupted sleep quite frequently; and we all know the long term effects lack of sleep may cause. Time will tell.

One night I was up every 10-35 minutes and then went to work the next day. Needless to say I got sick and now have a cold and probably an accompanying nasal infection. This may be due to lack of sleep and 3 days of freezing temperatures. I work outside, but when a hot flash came on, I found myself taking off my coat and stocking hat to stop sweating.

On the bright side – working outside with the Sunshine on my Shoulders in beautiful surroundings is more than most folks could ever ask.

Take care & God bless!