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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Deep Vein Thrombosis – The Battle Rages On

 So many weights...

Heavyweight, Cruiserweight, Junior heavyweight, Light heavyweight,  Super middleweight, Middleweight, Junior middleweight, Light middleweight, Super welterweight, Welterweight, Junior welterweight, Light welterweight, Super lightweight, Lightweight, Junior lightweight, Super featherweight, Featherweight, Super bantamweight, Junior featherweight, Super bantamweight, Bantamweight, Super flyweight , Junior bantamweight, Flyweight, Light flyweight, Junior flyweight, Minimumweight, Mini flyweight, Strawweight, Light Minimumweight, Atomweight.


So far I have dropped 20 kilo (44 lbs.) in bodyweight during my DVT life period.
Having increased circulation is a major factor of assistance with 'feeling normal' again.
Walking for approximately 1 hour per day and eating very little assures maintenance and helps with monitoring things - how you feel, what food items are on the 'mo fly list', etc.

Having compressed disks, shoulder, foot and knee injuries from the past, and age, are all mitigating factors in how a journey like this goes.

Celery with 1 can of tuna, a slice of bell pepper, 7 black olives, 1 small dill pickle (the size of a small sweet pickle) 2 tablespoon of Crème fraîche, 2 slices of Jalapeño - all mixed is the best meal of the day for me with maintaining and/or dropping in body weight. I can also splurge and have a dinner of ONLY salmon slices (2-3 1.5" wide x 5" long).

High fiber/low carb nuts can be snacked upon 3 times per day - a good breakfast - ONLY 1 tablespoon each of the 3 times... NO MORE.

I stay away from historical poverty foods: Rice, Grains & potatoes. Also... No soup, fruit, and vegetables, except those listed above (i.e. celery, bell pepper, etc.).

Vitamin D, multi-vit, aspirin 250 mg - 500 per day, & Nutrilenk (Chondroitin sulfate, C-vitamin, D-vitamin, etc.) I take in the morning with water and 1 tablespoon of nuts - pistachio & pine.
And... I still measure my calves once per month to check for potential problems brewing.
So far so good, as they say.

Until next time.