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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Keeping Busy & Focused

Ingeborg Helmersen

I have noticed in the past that many folks being treated for any variety of cancers commence upon a journey that remains virtually self-focused and eventually leads to a defeatist attitude, though verbally they display 'high hopes' for wellness - one can visually see the plastic-like emotions behind their fading hope the same as one can observe the false happiness of a salesperson.
Anne Ousland

Personally, I kept working every day and writing on my fiction stories when possible. Now I will embark on a journey of total internal remodeling project (see pics of our new small home) during the waning away of the side effects of treatment.

Bertha Torbjoernsen
I do know that years of treatment will (can wear one down - just this one year was more than enough for me. One becomes extremely tired of not sleeping more than an hour at a time throughout the nights, going every day for radiation treatments, having your 'malady' in front of your eyes instead of on the pathway behind you, etc.

Rasmus Strømme
But... my point is... make an attempt to find something to focus on. Maybe a hobby, taking up line-dancing, book binding, music, drama... anything to enjoy life, whether you have a few months or dozens of years ahead.
Rasmus Strømme
 Eventually I plan to write a short story (or Flash Fiction) piece dealing with "Numbering Our Days" and making the most of them.

Until next time... have a wonderful Holiday Season and end of year 2012!

Photo by me

The paintings are from the early 1900s and onward and by various artists – the first painting was created by my wife’s grandmother. The home in the foreground (right side) is our newly purchased home.